This is Zoloft.
More accurately its Sertraline which is the generic version of Zoloft for cheap shit-bags like me.
Sertraline helps me to not obsess over the eventual heat death of universe, and how it will more than likely kill me and my adorable dog...
It also makes me more asexual than Morrissey, much to the disappointment of my beautiful girlfriend.
So I decided to make the ol' switch to a fancy new drug called Welbutrin.
More accurately, I made the switch to Buproprin. Once again this is the Wal-Mart version of the aforementioned. It's bright blue and thus very tempting to curious children. As a bonus it causes seizures like mad, so your kids are in for some fun if they accidentally sneak into your medicine cabinet.
A few years back I was on this little fucker; Lexapro. Back then I shelled out the dough for the non-generic because I had a stable job that made me want to rip my dick off. I also had health insurance. Imagine that.
One day I decided to quit Lexapro cold turkey because I stopped showering, wore a bandanna around my neck, and my His Hero Is Gone records told me too. What I went through during the two or three weeks that the drug was leaving my system was something like complete and total psychosis mixed with hyper accelerated paranoia. Very fun.
Fast forward to yesterday; two days off Sertraline, two days on Buproprin, and no weed in sight.
Perhaps I should explain what is happening in my brain right now. My seratonin levels have bottomed out as the Sertraline gets the fuck out of my system, BUT the Buproprin hasn't had the chance to build itself up yet. Thus, I'm in a very similar state to what I went through two years ago.
To add bullshit to chaos this cluster-fuck of short term insanity hit me when I was at my local Trader Joes loading up on vegetarian eats with the rest of the guilt ridden liberals.
Luckily, the Joe's near my apartment is one that sells really cheap booze. So I loaded up my basket with Newcastle and Soy Nuggets and got the fuck out of there without looking anyone in the eye.
I know from experience that I find alcohol delicious and effective in dealing with temporary chemical withdrawal. So I guzzled nine or ten drinks, calmed my ass down, and watched Mission Impossible III, though I was yelling about Scientology through most of it.
Needless to say I woke up this morning hung over as hell and spent most of the day locked in my apartment listening to podcasts.
The things we humans will do for sex. So very interesting.
If you want a more coherrent story, you'll have to wait until the suicidal madness subsides. Dick.

Sertraline helps me to not obsess over the eventual heat death of universe, and how it will more than likely kill me and my adorable dog...

So I decided to make the ol' switch to a fancy new drug called Welbutrin.

One day I decided to quit Lexapro cold turkey because I stopped showering, wore a bandanna around my neck, and my His Hero Is Gone records told me too. What I went through during the two or three weeks that the drug was leaving my system was something like complete and total psychosis mixed with hyper accelerated paranoia. Very fun.
Fast forward to yesterday; two days off Sertraline, two days on Buproprin, and no weed in sight.
Perhaps I should explain what is happening in my brain right now. My seratonin levels have bottomed out as the Sertraline gets the fuck out of my system, BUT the Buproprin hasn't had the chance to build itself up yet. Thus, I'm in a very similar state to what I went through two years ago.
To add bullshit to chaos this cluster-fuck of short term insanity hit me when I was at my local Trader Joes loading up on vegetarian eats with the rest of the guilt ridden liberals.

Needless to say I woke up this morning hung over as hell and spent most of the day locked in my apartment listening to podcasts.
The things we humans will do for sex. So very interesting.
If you want a more coherrent story, you'll have to wait until the suicidal madness subsides. Dick.
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